Monday, October 20, 2008

Relationship - Abt feeling good

Summary on how to make a girl tick while maintaining our self respect...
The more u try to make someone love u, the less they will. We love the things that make us happy and the ones that we attribute the most value to. In order for someone to love, we must make them happy and be valuable to them.

  • Feel good abt ourselves. If we make someone feel good by degrading ourselves socially, then that person will not respect u.
  • Dont be a clingy guy. Only pay compliments occasionally.
  • Enjoy life, be happy and it shall be contagious. In order to make her feel good, she must be happy ard u.
  • If she's putting herself down, talk her up. If putting herself up.. tease her.
  • Overcome the part that u dont like abt yourself. Practise and live this.
  • Dont brag bcos it puts u in a position of trying to impress someone.
  • In the end, u really cant force someone to like u but it can affect what kind of person u r. At least be a good catch instead of a loser.
  • Concentrate on being happy and valuable, the rest will come naturally.

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