Monday, November 03, 2008

Lijiang China ~ 27 Oct 2008

Went to Lijiang and stayed at Banyan Tree for the vacation. The villa is very beautiful with a heated up pool. Of coz, really worth paying the $$$ for the place. It has a direct view of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Service is impeccable and it only costs abt RMB25 to get a cab to town. The prices are expensive in the Old Town and supposedly can bargain down 30%. Best time to visit is around April and October. Wanted to go Shangri la but I heard it was slowing so I didnt bothered. Went to the popular mushroom hotpot in town twice. The food is quite simple.

Ancient Town of Lijiang is one of the most photogenic and best reconstructed old towns in China. Dayan Town, as it is also known, was rebuilt after a devastating earthquake destroyed it in 1996. Today, Lijiang old town teems with handicraft shops, restaurants and other enterprises geared for visitors. Streams and canals gently pass through Lijiang old town, as they have for over six centuries. These narrow waterways are shaded by graceful willow trees and crossed by small bridges.
The overall architectural effect of tightly packed wooden structures lining charming pedestrian-only cobblestone lanes and alleys is impressive. There is a performance in the Old Town which is like 1.5 hrs long and usually very packed. Worth the visit.
Shuhe Old Town is on the north edge of Lijiang. Smaller and less touristy. The bar area in the old town is quite happening. Really enjoyed it. Some discos and live bands singing. Quite surprised alot of angmos there as well.

Tiger Leaping Gorge - The upper reaches of the Yangtze River forcibly and deafeningly squeeze through a narrow rocky gorge flanked on both sides by high, precipitous mountains. We took abt a 3km walk to the sight. There is a trishaw service but I opted to walk instead. William, the tour guide, took us to a place for lunch. Fooked, kenna snoked again. Fish came back to 180rmb/kg and they didnt even cooked it well...blood was still ozing from the steamed creature. Supposedly top notch mushroom cost another 300rmb. Nearly fainted when the bill came to around 600 rmb. Goodness, what crap! Better check prices before I order next time.

Jade Dragon - The majestic Yulong (Jade Dragon) Snow Mountain protectively looks over Lijiang. The peak is 5596 meters (18,340 feet) above sea level. Took the cable car up the slopes. Really needed an oxygen tank bcos the air is so thin up there and we rented jackets. It was beautiful bcos it was snowing on that day. Saw the Impression Lijiang show directed by Zhang Yimou in 2006. Quite dazzling... with a thousand cast and the bright costumes.

Also went to the Jade water village located at the foot of the mountain. It is set amidst waterfalls and ponds. The crystal clear water floowing from a small cave form the waterfalls. Went to the Dongba Kingdom village garden and the mususem after that.

Black Dragon Pool - can take a pic of Black Dragon Pool and a five-eaved pavilion backdropped by the skyscraping Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. The park's local name is Yuquan.

Also went to the Lakshi Lake Adventure, west side of LJ abt 17km. The lake is beautiful as we took the horses. Damned tiring as well bcos the tracks were very muddy after a rainfall. Took a 4hr horse ride and splattered in mud after that. First time I was riding the horse so fast. Felt like I was being thrown off.

Went to the Li Shui Jin Sha - Mountain and River Show on the last night. Started off in 2002 and fully packed. Show is abt the love stories and the local tribes. Not bad though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's more information about Lijiang and Shangri-la at