Saturday, November 01, 2008

Wine terms used

Common wine terms used. Don't really like to use it during tastings ~ only good to drink or not. haha

  • Acidity: vital component in wine that gives “tang” and life
  • Beefy*: lots of body and quite a bit of tannin as well
  • Blackcurrants: aroma of Cabernet Sauvignon, called cassis in French
  • Black pepper*: smell I associate with the Syrah grape
  • Cats’ pee: there is something of this in both Sauvignon Blanc and the intensely aromatic Scheurebe
  • Chocolatey*: a flavour I find in the often rather sweet reds of Australia and especially South Africa
  • Corked/Corky: wine with an offputtingly mouldy aroma, most usually, though not always, caused by a tainted cork. If you smell this in a restaurant you should send back the wine and ask for another bottle (which is most unlikely to be similarly tainted)
  • Damp straw*: my trigger expression for Chenin Blanc though many others prefer “honey” and “flowers”
  • Delicate: rather airy-fairy term meaning light bodied and without very strong flavour but well balanced
  • Dumb: very little nose, common in good but youthful wine
  • Farmyard*: a smell I associate with Chianti, particularly aged Chianti, with some mature St Emilion and with the odd rustically made Châteauneuf-du-Pape
  • Flabby: too low in acidity
  • Gamey: wines that smell pungent in a ripe animal sense, such as a rich Syrah, Mourvèdre and Merlot (especially Pomerol)
  • Gummy*: the richness that very ripe Chenin Blanc grapes can bring
  • Harmonious: well balanced
  • Hot: too alcoholic
  • Mouthfeel: American term for the physical impact of a wine on the mouth and its texture, heavily influenced by both tannin and body
  • Petrol: aroma of mature Riesling, especially German
  • Racy: lively, often used for white wine, especially Riesling
  • Smoky: characteristic of many Alsace whites and the Chardonnay grape; a broad sort of flavour
  • Tannin: preservative that comes from the skins, stalks and pips of grapes (and from wood too), which tastes like cold stewed tea

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