Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stir-Fry Tips ...Chinese Cuisine

  • Make sure you have all the ingredients you need ahead of time.
  • Make sure all the food is cut according to directions before you start. Never try to prepare food while stir-frying.
  • For even cooking, cut all the ingredients the same size.
  • If not following a recipe, cut all the ingredients into bite-sized pieces.
  • Pre-heat the wok on medium-high to high heat for at least a minute before adding oil. (You may want to skip this step if you have a nonstick pan - it can damage the coating.)
  • Add the oil (up to 2 to 3 tablespoons depending on the dish; peanut, canola or other vegetable oils are good) drizzling it so that it coats both the sides and the bottom of the wok. The oil heats faster this way.
  • Before adding other ingredients, season the oil by cooking a few pieces of garlic and ginger. (Note: you may want to reduce the heat at this point to keep them from burning).
  • If the recipe calls for meat and vegetables, cook the meat first and then set it aside. Add the meat back when the vegetables are almost cooked. This ensures that the meat is not overcooked, and that the meat and vegetables retain their individual flavors.
  • Meat is normally stir-fried on high heat to seal in the juices (individual recipes can differ).
  • Never add more than a cup of meat at a time to the wok. Lay the meat out flat to cook.
  • Remove the meat from the wok when it changes color - for example the redness in the beef is gone. At this point the meat is approximately 80 percent cooked.
  • Stir-fry vegetables according to density, with the densest vegetables being stir-fried first and for the longest time. Denser vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and eggplant require more cooking time than green leafy vegetables such as bok choy.
  • If you're uncertain about the order in which to stir-fry vegetables, the simplest solution is to stir-fry them separately, one at a time.
  • If possible, wash the vegetables ahead of time to ensure that they have drained and are not too wet.
  • Alternately, if the vegetables are too dry, try adding a few drops of water while stir-frying.
  • When stir-frying meat, wait a few seconds before tossing so that it has a chance to brown; when stir-frying vegetables, begin moving them immediately.
  • When adding sauce to vegetables and/or meat, form a "well" in the middle by pushing the ingredients up the sides of the wok. Add the sauce in the middle and stir to thicken before combining with the other ingredients.
  • Once the dish is completed, taste and adjust seasonings as desired.
  • Serve the stir-fried dish immediately.
  • Finally, a few words about cooking temperatures. Some recipes give instructions on whether to cook a dish at high, medium-high, or medium heat, but others don't. Suggests starting to cook at medium-high heat and then adjusting the temperature up or down as needed on your model of stove. Another option is to have a second burner set on medium heat that you can quickly move the wok to if you feel the food is cooking too fast.

The Ten Commandments of Natural PU

Interesting article I found - It is not sufficient to be a man. You must become an "idea". Women are attracted to ideas, not men. ...

  1. Connect. Genuine connection with another person should serve as the basis of your game. It doesn't matter how good your techniques are if you can't achieve a genuine connection.
  2. Positive. Always work to increase the positivity of interactions, and strive to improve the emotions of the people around you. Trying to hurt people only destroys your own value.
  3. Now. The immediate moment, the "now" is always more important than any previous moment. Never allow yourself to get stuck in previous moments during the pickup, regardless of what happened.
  4. Idea. It is not sufficient to be a man. You must become an "idea". Women are attracted to ideas, not men. Once you determine what YOU stand for, your "idea", make EVERY SINGLE element of your game congruent to that. Everything you do, say, how you dress, your mannerisms, your techniques should serve to reinforce that "idea". Any deviation from your "idea" is a leak in your game that needs to be fixed. This accounts for why some techniques work for some people and not others.
  5. Reveal. When using techniques and routines, you must communicate yourself through the techniques, not hide behind them. Many men got into the game because they had a fear of letting women see the real them. Routines and techniques have become a very convenient veil that they could hide behind. Don't let this happen.
  6. Value. Demonstrations of value should flow naturally from the reality of your life. Value is built, not fabricated.
  7. Vibe. Value is largely perceived as a vibe which is sensed on a subconscious level. How long does it take you to figure out if you like a person or not? 1 minute? 30 seconds? Some of my most memorable relationships came from 1-3 minute number closes.
  8. Focus. The nature of your thoughts is the first determinant of your outcome. Your mental "focus" always takes precedence over structure. Never sacrifice your focus in order to follow a generic linear path.
  9. Spontaneous. Life is unpredictable. Contingencies always come up. Since women will pay attention to your reactions in all kinds of different situations, your game is only as good as your spontaneous conversation and behaviors.
  10. Time. Time is irrelevant to pickup. If you spent 30 minutes with a woman, but the last 5 were boring, you would have been better off venuechanging / getting a number at the 25 minute mark. If you have a problem with flaking, you don't need to spend more time, you need to improve your vibe.

Summary: Use your time wisely. Be positive, spontaneous, focussed, in the "now"; connect, vibe, reveal your real value, and become an idea in her mind.


起得早 精神好
长运动 体魄好
吃半饱 身心好
笑一笑 没烦恼
多做事 永不老

Monday, July 28, 2008

How to Win Friends and Influence People

It is one of the first bestselling self-help books ever published. Written by Dale Carnegie in 1936.

Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

  • "Don't criticize, condemn or complain."
  • "Give honest and sincere appreciation."
  • "Arouse in the other person an eager want."

Six Ways to Make People Like You

  • "Become genuinely interested in other people."
  • "Smile."
  • "Remember that a man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
  • "Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves."
  • "Talk in the terms of the other man's interest."
  • "Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely."

Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking

  • "Avoid arguments."
  • "Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never tell someone they are wrong."
  • "If you're wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically."
  • "Begin in a friendly way."
  • "Start with questions the other person will answer yes to."
  • "Let the other person do the talking."
  • "Let the other person feel the idea is his/hers."
  • "Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view."
  • "Sympathize with the other person."
  • "Appeal to noble motives."
  • "Dramatize your ideas."
  • "Throw down a challenge."

Nine Ways to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment

  • "Begin with praise and honest appreciation."
  • "Call attention to other people's mistakes indirectly."
  • "Talk about your own mistakes first."
  • "Ask questions instead of giving direct orders."
  • "Let the other person save face."
  • "Praise every improvement."
  • "Give them a fine reputation to live up to."
  • "Encourage them by making their faults seem easy to correct."
  • "Make the other person happy about doing what you suggest."

Inspirational Quotes

  • "All men of action are dreamers." --James G. Huneker
  • "Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling." --Ogden Nash
  • "The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary." --Vidal Sassoon
  • "The best way out is always through." --Robert Frost
  • "Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise." -- Alice Walker (writer)
  • "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.(civil rights leader)
  • "You can say the nastiest things about yourself without offending anyone." -- Phyllis Diller (comedienne)
  • "Science is what you know; philosophy is what you don't know." -- Bertrand Russell (philosopher)
  • "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • "To live without hope is to cease to live." Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russian writer)
  • "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." -- Marie Sklodowska-Curie (physicist and chemist)
  • "To be somebody you must last." -- Ruth Gordon (actress)
  • "Use soft words and hard arguments." -- English Proverb
  • "Every sweet has its sour; every evil its good." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson (author)
  • "Underpromise; overdeliver." -- Tom Peters
  • "The gods cannot help those who don't seize opportunities." --Confucius, c. 500 BC
  • "It is cruel to discover one's mediocrity only when it is too late." --W. Somerset Maugham
  • "Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace." --Oscar Wilde
  • "Ability will never catch up with the demand for it." --Malcolm Forbes

时尚短信 (1)

  • 我用爱情的小箭射入你的心中,你就成为我的俘虏。我决定判你无期徒刑,永远关在我心里,不准保释。
  • 男人热恋时有用不完的聪明,女人热恋时却易变得愚蠢。
  • 笨男人+笨女人=结婚;笨男人+聪明女人=离婚;聪明男人+笨女人=婚外情;聪明男人+聪明女人=浪漫爱情
  • 当女人走投无路的时候,她会和一个男人结婚;当男人走投无路的时候,一个女人会和他离婚。
  • 送你十二生肖:祝你聪明如鼠,强壮如牛,胆大如虎,可爱如兔,自信如龙,魅力如蛇,浪漫如马,温顺如羊,顽皮如猴,美丽如鸡,忠诚如狗,长的像猪。
  • 不管地域的界限是多么遥远,亲爱的!想你的距离在每次心跳之间!
  • 你是岸,我是船,你是太阳,我为你转,幸福有你才能算,给我世界都不换,因为你是我的NO.1!
  • 一只猪和一只企鹅被关在-20.c的冷库里第二天企鹅死了猪没事。为什么你不知道吗?对了, 猪也不知道 哈哈
  • 一等女人:家里称霸。二等女人:在家吵架。三等女人:家中挨打。四等女人:煤气自杀。
  • 男女的区别:女人胖是丰满,瘦是苗条,高是修长,矮是秀气。男人胖是肥猪,瘦是排骨,高是竹竿,矮是冬瓜!
  • 初恋的味道:酸奶,甜而酸;热恋的味道:酒,容易喝晕;结婚的味道:茶,不换的话,越泡越淡越无味;离婚的味道:咖啡,苦但使人清醒。
  • 做家具的是木材,死人睡的是棺材,男人要的是钱财,女人要的是身材,发信息的是天才,看信息的是蠢才。


微笑露一点 脑筋活一点
说话轻一点 效率高一点
脾气小一点 行动快一点
做事多一点 嘴巴甜一点
理由少一点 度量大一点

Sunday, July 27, 2008

John Chambers - Cisco CEO

Quote - Deal with the world the way it, and then... position yourself in a way that's realistic going forward

Sri Sri's tips on the art of living

This is an excerpt from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar interview with ST. He is the founder of the Art of Living movement, largest NGO sprawled across 144 countries.

  • When u are happy, u are not sure u are happy. But when u are depressed, u are very sure u are depressed.
  • When u shared yr misery, it will not diminish. But when u fail to share your joy, it diminishes.
  • Rich people share their food. Richer are those who share power. Richer still are those who share fame. Richest of all are those who share themselves.
  • Life is abt participation, not abt watching. You must be there at the dining table eating, not watching other people eat.
  • There is no problem that cannot be solved. When u hv a problem that u think cannot be solved, u hv accepted it. Then it is no longer a problem, but a fact.
  • The solution is the tail of every problem. Solutions come to u when u are calm and centred.
  • Your life is a gift and u hv come to unwrap the gift. In the process of unwrapping, remember also to save the wrapper. Your environment, the situations around u, the circumstances in which u find yourself and your body is the wrapping paper. When we unwrap, we often destroy the wrapping paper.
  • In science, knowledge comes first and then faith follows. In spirituality, faith comes first and then knowledge follows.
  • There is no spirituality in the world that is devoid of service, and service cannot happen if material needs are ignored. Service cannot happen only through the lips. For service to move, u also need legs.

Famous 7 Habits

Stephen Covey Famous Seven Habits

The book on the 7 habits of Highly Effective People which made him very famous - a complete framework of universal, timeless principles of character and human effectiveness.

  • Be Proactive
  • Begin with the end in mind - Create in mind and then reality
  • Put first things first
  • Think win win - mutual benefit in yr interactions
  • Seek first to understand, and then to understand
  • Synergise - create new alternatives through creative cooperation
  • Sharpen the saw - own personal self like physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual

Read the book in the university.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pu Tien - Heng Hwa cuisine

Seldom been impressed by a new restuarant. Went with Mark for a lazy lunch and discovered a new branch at Marina Square. The Pu Tien Lor Mee is impressive and the deep fried pig trotters with pepper is awesome. Tried the mee sua and the fried Hing Wa Bee Hoon. I didnt even know that the orginal one is at Kitchener Road. Will bring my family there next time.

Mee sua with ginger pork + liver

Wanted to hv something simple and nothing beats a mee sua.

  • Heat the sesame oil, then add sliced ginger and fry for 5mins until fragrant in a pot.
  • Add the minced pork or liver and stir fry for 2min before adding the egg white. Fry for another 3mins.
  • Add chicken stock, water, chinese wine wine and pepper. Bring to boil
  • Add in mee sua and simmer for 5mins.
  • Add chopped spring onion and serve immediately.

Ginger has been the Asia spice of choice for the last 5000yrs. Supposed to rid the body of pathogens and aids digestion, promotes warmth and blood circulation in the body. Also used in the treatment of coughs. Warms internal organs, min cramps, heartburn, flatulence and indigestion. Also can treat motion sickness.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Old cucumber soup

Anyway, been learning how to cook over the course of this yr. Decided that it is a useful skill set esp when I am staying alone. I remember the old cucumber soup that has such a wonderful fragrance and a nice soup to drink during raining days. Actually cooking isn't so difficult and I hate going out to eat nowadays.


  • One small to medium size Chinese old cucumber
  • 10 red dates + wolfberries
  • 6 dried scallops
  • 200g pork ribs
  • 1 piece dried cuttlefish (optional)
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and cut - I like to buy those small carrots in a ready pack at NTUC.


  • Scrub the skin of the old cucumber clean and cut it in half, length-wise. Scoop out the seeds using a spoon. Cut into small pieces.
  • Blanch the pork ribs in boiling water and drain and put aside.
  • Add all the ingredients and bring to a boil for about 5-10 minutes. After which, simmer the soup over low heat for about 30 minutes. Season with salt.

Stir Fry Liver

Pig liver is a rich source of iron and protein. It tastes best when tender and not overcooked. Overcooked liver is tough and 'powdery' in texture.

  • Fry onions, garlic and ginger in heated oil till fragrant.

  • Add sliced peppers and lightly stir fry.

  • Add liver slices, stir frying for just 30 seconds. Add oyster sauce, mix well and close lid of pan for another 30 seconds. Turn off heat and leave about 1 minute with lid on. Either that, can use corn flour paste and pour it over and wait for the sauce to thicken. Add a bit of dark soya sauce as well.

  • Sprinkle pepper and garnish with spring onions. Serve immediately.

Been a while

It's been a year since my last post. Went to work in a US investment bank and it was such a huge difference since it was my first job change. Coupled with the US housing collapse and a slow and painful death to global GDP. Went for a 3 months gardening leave from Mar to Jun 07. Spent my time travelling and moving into my new place. And once I started work, it was just HARD WORK.