Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sri Sri's tips on the art of living

This is an excerpt from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar interview with ST. He is the founder of the Art of Living movement, largest NGO sprawled across 144 countries.
  • When u are happy, u are not sure u are happy. But when u are depressed, u are very sure u are depressed.
  • When u shared yr misery, it will not diminish. But when u fail to share your joy, it diminishes.
  • Rich people share their food. Richer are those who share power. Richer still are those who share fame. Richest of all are those who share themselves.
  • Life is abt participation, not abt watching. You must be there at the dining table eating, not watching other people eat.
  • There is no problem that cannot be solved. When u hv a problem that u think cannot be solved, u hv accepted it. Then it is no longer a problem, but a fact.
  • The solution is the tail of every problem. Solutions come to u when u are calm and centred.
  • Your life is a gift and u hv come to unwrap the gift. In the process of unwrapping, remember also to save the wrapper. Your environment, the situations around u, the circumstances in which u find yourself and your body is the wrapping paper. When we unwrap, we often destroy the wrapping paper.
  • In science, knowledge comes first and then faith follows. In spirituality, faith comes first and then knowledge follows.
  • There is no spirituality in the world that is devoid of service, and service cannot happen if material needs are ignored. Service cannot happen only through the lips. For service to move, u also need legs.

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